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Get Scholarship Even With Low GRE Score

For GRE score less than 1200, there are very good chances that you will get admission, but admission with Financial aid or scholarship will be little difficult. Keep reading, I will uncover few tips that might just get what you wanted.

If the graduate schools admission committee is pleased with your performance by looking at high GRE score, papers presentation, projects, recommendation letters from high profile professors, they want such students to study in their school and they give admission with some form of Financial aid or Scholarship.

That doesn't mean students with Low GRE are less capable. There are few things that can be done to increase your chances to get college admission with scholarship.

- Ask your professors who recommends you to highlight the achievements from the project work or paper presentation

- Include the copies of your project report along with the graduate schools application packet

- Include copies of all certificates ( Training, computer course, extra-curricular activities)

- Personally contact professors if your research interests are the same as area professors is working on and explain your achievements, chances are you will get admission and and asked to work for him after the class starts. Which is a good sign.

If any of the above doesn't help you to scholarship or some form of Financial aid, don't give up. Get your visa and head to the school where things looks good in terms of funding. Read about short listing from previous posts to understand which universities to select from list of schools you got admission.

Once, you reach university even before the classes start, start looking for college campus part time jobs. If you happen to be in school where there are more International Students, its all about being in right place at right time to get part time job.

Then get an appointment with your professors and start working for him, based on your work, you will be given scholarship or financial aid.

So, even with Low GRE score, by contacting the professors, will double your admission chances.


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